As the President of the Poston Community Alliance, Marlene Shigekawa has led the historic preservation and interpretive efforts of the former Poston Incarceration Camp, located on the Colorado River Indian Tribes reservation in Arizona. With grant funding resulting in 1.5 million dollars, she has been successful in obtaining funds from:
National Park Service, Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program
California State Library, Civil Liberties Public Education Fund National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Endowment for the Arts
Japanese American Community Foundation
Aratani Foundation
KT Foundation
Terasaki Foundation
She has organized in-person and virtual Poston Pilgrimages since 2018, with over a 1000 attendees. The latest Poston project includes a barrack relocation in October 2023 to the Poston Elementary School Site I, designated as a National Historic Landmark.